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Sleep apnea

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment West Orange

Also Serving Patients in Short Hills & Livingston

Sleep Apnea Treatment West Orange & Short Hills NJ
Dr. Stein explains OravanOSA, an FDA-approved sleep apnea oral appliance that he invented

Does your spouse or roommate complain that you snore excessively?

Do you wake up each morning feeling more exhausted than you were the previous night?

If you answered affirmatively, you might have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a serious sleep breathing disorder that affects nearly 25 million people across the United States. OSA can become life threatening if left untreated.

At Northfield Dental Group, we are sleep apnea experts. We provide a range of snoring solutions for those suffering from sleep apnea in the West Orange, Livingston, Short Hills and the greater Northern New Jersey area. From traditional sleep apnea treatments to innovative oral appliance therapy, Dr. Stein, Dr. Widmayer, Dr. Shapiro, Dr. Mendina and Dr. Stein provide patients with a wide variety of OSA therapies covered by both private medical insurance and Medicare. Northfield Dental Group provides comfortable OSA treatment options that can often eliminate the need for invasive surgery or the use of a noisy CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine with a bulky mask.

Hear What Our Patients Have To Say

Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Explained

Sleep apnea jaw demonstration New Jersey Individuals with obstructive sleep apnea stop breathing intermittently during their sleep. These interruptions in breathing happen when the throat muscles that usually help to maintain an open airway collapse, temporarily blocking the respiratory passage.

Individuals with OSA literally have a near-death experience each time they suffer an episode of sleep apnea. They may not realize it, but they may be thrashing around in their sleep as they struggle to breathe. In addition, OSA sufferers can experience 80-500 bouts of sleep apnea every night. It is no wonder they wake up each morning feeling exhausted, with disheveled hair, dripping with sweat, amidst bedding that is strewn about.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Individuals with OSA may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Excessive snoring
  • A dry or sore throat when they wake up
  • Waking up in the middle of the night gasping for breath
  • Difficulty staying asleep or recurrent insomnia
  • Feeling exhausted or uncontrollably sleepy during the day
  • Morning headaches
  • Disruptive sleep patterns
  • Irritability, depression, or drastic changes in mood
  • Forgetfulness or a lack of concentration
  • Decreased libido

Sleep apnea does not only affect adults; it can affect kids too. In children, OSA symptoms include:

  • Poor school performance
  • Hyperactivity
  • Anger or hostility
  • Mouth breathing during the day
  • Snoring
  • Attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

In certain cases, establishing a link between children’s ADD or ADHD and their OSA may eliminate the need for unnecessary prescription medications.

CLICK HERE to visit our specialty website to learn more: New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions.

Sleep apnea solutions West Orange

Treating Sleep Apnea Symptoms

National Sleep Foundation logo     American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine logo

If you present symptoms of sleep apnea, or you think a family member or loved one may suffer from OSA, it is time to schedule a consultation with one of the sleep apnea specialists at Northfield Dental in West Orange, NJ. When medically appropriate, they prefer to provide snoring solutions through noninvasive oral appliance therapy, so you can avoid surgery and other more intrusive treatment options. Contact Northfield Dental Group today and be one step closer to getting a good night’s rest.

To schedule an appointment with one of our sleep apnea experts to find out if you might benefit from OSA oral appliance therapy, please contact the Northfield Dental Group staff by calling today.