TMJ & TMD Treatment in West Orange, NJ
Also Serving Dental Patients in Short Hills & Livingston NJ
Have you noticed that your jaw makes a pesky popping or clicking noise while you chew?
Do you suffer from jaw pain or frequent headaches?
If these symptoms sound familiar, you may be experiencing temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder (TMD).
Hear What Our Patients Have To Say
If you suffer from TMD in the West Orange and Short Hills area, the dentists at Northfield Dental Group can help. Drs. Stein, Widmayer, Shapiro, Mendina and Stein are leading New Jersey TMJ specialists who can assist in diagnosing your condition and formulate an appropriate treatment plan to alleviate your TMD symptoms.
What Is TMJ Disorder?
Simply put, TMJ disorder is a degenerative condition affecting the temporomandibular joint, located in your jaw. Your TMJ is the hinge that connects your mandible, or lower jaw, to your upper jaw and skull.
TMD typically affects individuals between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. Although it affects more women than men, more than 10 million Americans suffer from TMD overall, according to the Academy of General Dentistry.
What Causes TMJ Disorder?
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is caused by prolonged stress on the TMJ. The stress is generally caused by an imbalance in the jaw muscles or a misaligned bite, but the exact cause will vary from patient to patient. Other causes include excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching. Over time, the extra stress on the TMJ causes the ligaments in the region to become elongated. The jaw muscles then shorten or lengthen in response to the over-stretched ligaments, leading to noticeable TMD symptoms.
TMD Symptoms
TMD may present minor symptoms, such as a grating or clicking sound while you chew, or extremely painful symptoms, including neck and shoulder pain and severe migraines. The symptoms may be temporary, permanent or progressive.
In addition to the symptoms of TMD mentioned above, individuals who suffer from TMD often experience:
- Tenderness or pain throughout the jaw, face and / or head
- Swelling throughout one or both sides of the face
- A tired sensation throughout the face
- Limited range of motion of the mouth (i.e., difficulty opening the mouth widely)
- A “locked” jaw
- Trouble chewing
- A misaligned bite
- Toothaches and / or earaches
- Headaches (or, again, migraines)
- Dizziness or vertigo
- A ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Problems hearing
CLICK HERE to visit our specialty website to learn more: Headache & TMJ Center of New Jersey.
TMJ Symptoms Treatment at Northfield Dental Group
Experiencing serious TMD symptoms, including severe migraines, tinnitus or vertigo, can be scary, especially if you do not know what is causing your symptoms. If you are presenting TMD symptoms, do not worry. Simply schedule an appointment with one of the experienced New Jersey TMJ specialists at Northfield Dental Group.
The West Orange TMJ specialists are trained in neuromuscular dentistry, so they can help you determine the possible causes of your TMD and review the available treatment options with you. Dr. Stein, the founder of Northfield Dental Group, is a forerunner in neuromuscular dentistry. For more than two decades, he has researched and devised innovative treatment options for conditions affecting the mouth and jaw, including TMD. He can help alleviate your painful, bothersome TMD symptoms and restore your jaw function, so you feel better overall.
Injection therapy is increasingly popular in the treatment of TMJ disorder. Our doctors can inject Botox, a neurotoxin, into the TMJ to relax muscle activity and reduce pain and discomfort. Another option is prolotherapy, a homeopathic treatment wherein a curative solution is injected into the TMJ to stimulate an inflammatory response. The body then naturally heals the injection site, resulting in pain reduction and improved function.
By calling Northfield Dental Group today, you can be on your way to alleviating your painful TMD symptoms.
To schedule an appointment with one of our New Jersey TMJ specialists to find out if you might be able to benefit from TMD treatment, please contact the Northfield Dental Group staff by calling today. Or, learn more about the Headache and TMJ Center of New Jersey.